Writing, Part One
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It's been a while... Here we go...
Not many knows, I am a writer, even my wife. She just knew a brief. I have fans once during my school days, an all-boys school, I was seventeen. I handwrote a story on a foolscap paper. A bunch of papers land from hand to hand. The feeling was amazing. 'The fans' craving what's next, every week.
The beginning of my interest in writing came when I was in secondary school. I was thirteen years old. I had no interest in other activities or so-called hobbies at that time until one day I read a story written by my classmate. He used to write a story, handwritten in an exercise book. His name is Mohd Fikri. He was writing fiction, it was a creative piece. I was blown away by the way he phrases the scene or the event. We are just thirteen at that time and for me, that is WOW. Fikri and I was a friend since elementary school. Whether he is still writing? I do not have any idea.
I am not a fan of storytelling or sharing stories with others. I was a loner, haha. When I read the story that he wrote, it was like, I was there in the story. That was good for me at that time. It came across to me, the idea that I want to write something too. I try to write, but my piece does not par with his. I need to start imagining and visualize, start to create conversation.
While I'm writing, I start to ignite my imagination. I push my imagination as high as I can. The challenging part is, how to convert a story playing in my head into words. I start to read fiction from other writers, novelists, and short stories. My all-time favorite is Ahadiat Akashah, Matt Romeo & Toyon.
Ahadiat Akashah is a Malaysia renowned novelist. I read most of his pieces. The first one was Budak Setan 1. I remembered back then, we have to take turns to read the novel. I just adore the way he wrote about the scene, the way he describes a person, a place, a situation. He just great at that. I have made his creation as a bible to help me to write.
Matt Romeo is also a novelist, but I first read his column in the magazine, Gila-Gila. His words are just amazing. He has a special style in his words and creating plots and funny! I think his specialty is women, haha, well sync with his nickname.
Toyon! His works amazed me! It takes me to another level of thinking. Aku Hidup Dalam Blues is my new bible, although it's just a column in the magazine. I have to wait patiently, every thirty days to buy the magazine, just to read his piece. That's commitment!
Toyon real name is Azzam Supardi. Sadly, he passed away somewhere in Syawal, last year. 4th of July. I have a brief online relationship with him, but yet to touch on the writing part. God took him. He is a funny guy. For me he was a genius, he can make us Lough just with a simple scenario, likes the conversation he had with his daughter. Haha. Brilliant!
From this moment on, I really want to write again. I promise.